Schlagwort: strasse

  • Kurfürstendamm, Berlin

    Kurfürstendamm, Berlin


    I have arrived in Berlin! I am here for 3 months to get inspired by the art and culture here. But I brought work…

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  • — kaiser friedrich | kant


    kreuzung in der nähe des charlotterburger bahnhofs. crossing close to charlottenburg station. | rolf schroeter

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  • Demonstration against Eviction


    Today the ground floor of a house in my neighborhood (Scharnweberstr. 29) was forcefully evicted, while the final trial on the issue is still…

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  • fahren


    heutige ergänzung einer weiteren “wegrandzeichnung” – eingang zur orangen unterwelt des ICC. todays supplement of another “roadsidesketch” – entrance to orange underworld of ICC.…

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